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Business Video Call
Business Video Call

One Off: 1hr Session


1hr with me to learn and improve with somebody who's been in your shoes

Personalized & actionable drills that improve your accent efficiently

Time proven acting methods that help you apply what you've learned under pressure

Class Recordings (Audio & Video) so you can review and solidify what you learned in class

Access to detailed learning materials with embedded audio files you can listen to

Flexible 24hr Cancellation Policy so you're able to fit the class into your schedule

Class Structure that guarantees your success:

  • First 5-10mins: personalized warm up tailored to refine your skills (custom vocal exercises, phoneme drills, relaxation exercises)

  • 30-40mins: skill acquisition focused learning & drills (sound mechanics, practicing connected speech, stress, rhythm and intonation) and acting based training (imitation exercises, phonetic transcription, mock conversations, and more) once a solid foundation has been established

  • 5 mins: immediate takeaways & action plan (targeted drill assignments based on problems encountered in the class)

Class Recap sent to you afterwards so you don't feel overwhelmed

Best Value

Standard: 4 Sessions Per Month



Every month

Valid until canceled

$60 savings (4 one offs = $400)

Faster Progress due to guaranteed consistency

Priority Scheduling over One Offs + 2hr Cancellation Policy

x4 sessions / month

x1 request recording feedback / week (max length: 2mins)

Class Recordings (Audio & Video)

Written Class Recaps after each class

FREE Access to detailed learning materials

50% discount for the American Accent Fundamentals Course

Best Value

Advanced: 8 sessions per month



Every month

Valid until canceled

$120 savings (8 one offs = $800)

Faster Progress due to guaranteed consistency

Priority Scheduling over One Offs + 2hr Cancellation Policy

x8 sessions / month

x2 request recording feedback / week (max length: 2mins)

Class Recordings (Audio & Video)

Written Class Recaps after each class

Access to detailed learning materials

50% discount for the American Accent Fundamentals Course

Special Offer: Monthly Plan

Fill out the form below to request an accent assessment. This also determines if we're a good fit.

a brain having questions about accent reduction


Why are you interested in reducing your accent? (select all that apply)

Allow around 14hrs for a reply and make sure to check your promotional and spam folders so you don't miss the e-mail.

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